Tuesday, October 25, 2011

8. Journal Writing: Finding Prosperity by Feeding Money - Harold Taw

Many people have unique traditions, like Taw's tradition of feeding monkeys every year on his birthday. List some traditions tat are unique to your family, to another you you belong to, or to you alone.

I do not think my family as any unique traditions (or not any that I can think of). My family is not one that is big on traditions. I use to care a lot about holiday traditions and would feel dejected whenever I fail to carry out a holiday tradition. My mom, however, is the spontaneous one and would only follow the tradition when she feels like doing so.
I will, however, elaborate on my family's story of the tooth fairy. I didn't get it for my very first tooth. I never heard about the story when my first tooth fell off. Neither did my parents. It was only until my kindergarten teacher read a story to us about tooth fairy that I finally learn about this new way of getting money. However, when I tried putting my tooth under the pillow, nothing happened. I asked my mother and had to tell her the story of the tooth fairy to finally got a 100NT under my pillow the next time, so I knew early on that the tooth fairy was not real. My sister, however, was lucky enough to get a 100NT bill the first time she put her fallen tooth under her pillow. She truly believed in the tooth fairy and the Santa Clause up until third grade. Before that, I had to help my parent keep the secret from my sister. The whole situation is pretty funny now that I think back to it, but at the time, I was really jealous that my sister got to live in the fantasy of Santa Clause and Tooth Fairies when I was deprived early on from those 'traditions'.

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