Tuesday, January 3, 2012

22. Journal: Batting Clean-Up and Striking Out - Barry

Are you ever baffled by the behavior of members of the opposite sex - or members of your own sex, if you often find yourself behaving differently from most of them?

I find it truly curious how there can be so many typical differences between male and female.  Like what Barry have written (and this is just people in general), women tend to care more about cleanliness and men more about sports. I wonder why there seem to be this trend between people of the opposite sex. Male and female seems to be the two groups that is divided most commonly. In the ancient times, it is even (faultily) believed that only men can hold rational thoughts. Even though there are faulty cases of differences, many of these differences actually have scientific proof. Women tend to be more sentimental and more perceiving in the sense of smell and taste. Men are better at three-denmentional thinking. There are just so many differences that I am beginning to think that men and women have different thinking patterns. Maybe that will explain why men would sigh and say they don't understand women (and vice versa).

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