Tuesday, May 15, 2012

39. AP English Test After Thought

We’re finally done with the AP English test today! I thought the multiple choice was easier than what we did for the Barrons practice test. The passage was easier to understand than I expected and there weren’t many question that tested on rhetorical strategies (which I was worried about). However, I still almost ran out of time and didn’t get time to check. I hope I did well on the multiple choice because I’m not so sure about my essays. All of my essays were shorter than what I usually write in practice tests. For the first one, I managed to use all of the sources so I think that was okay. However I spent a bit too much time of it and I worried that I would run out of time. Its good that I didn’t spend as much time on the other two. On my second essay, I just followed what I planned to do: ethos, pathos, and logos, it went pretty well. It’s the last essay I’m not so sure about. I wrote less than two pages because I didn’t know how else to continue it. I felt like I expressed my point though and gave examples in my two body paragraphs. I hope I did well!

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