Friday, December 30, 2011

20. Journal: Black Men and Public Spaces - Staples

Write about a time when you feel like you altered public space - in other words, you changed people's attitudes or behaviors just by being in a place or entering a situation.

I can't remember a time when I felt like I changed public space. However, I can remember a time, many times actually, when I have experience other people change a public space. This is the mot evident in our school hallways and cafeteria. Many students in our school speak chinese even though we are not supposed to. Therefore, whenever a teacher or principal walks by, I see people nudging their friends. The next second, everyone on the hallways change the language they converse in. This is probably an example of someone altering space (hopefully) without even noticing. 

19. Journal: Celebrating the Pity of Brotherly Love - Krull

Describe life with your siblings.

I get along pretty nicely with my sister. We get into arguments sometimes but never fights, partly because neither of us are prone to violence. I'd say that we're pretty close. We've been sisters for fifteen years. I really can't remember life without her. When I was young, I use to hate having a younger sister. I wanted to either be a single child or the younger sibling. There was also a time period when I thought she was very annoying, the time when she followed everything I did. Now that I think of it, its actually pretty funny. Now that we've both grown, I don't think the age really matters anymore. We just act like friends most of the time. We share many things and know each other really really well. Our characters are not exactly alike, but because we've been together for so long, we get pretty use to it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

18. Alternative Late Policy

I do not believe we should lock students out of classes or the school because it takes away the chance for us to learn, which opposes what the rules intend to solve. The rule tries to instill fear upon students. However, this might not work for some people who just simply don’t care. If this is the case, the policy would only punish the parents, because students would just use t rules to find an excuse to not go to school.
I think an alternative for the school late policy is for students clean up lunch tables and floors if they fail to go to class on time for the first three times of every month. This way, teachers don’t have to spend anytime afterschool like they would have to do for detention. After the third time, however, parents should be contacted to notify them of the trend. However, in the case of being late to school, I think it is much more complicated with many more variables involved. Students should still be punished, but I would give them five chances until parents are contacted.