Saturday, January 7, 2012

23. Nonsense verses Argument: Textbook Evaluation

Although I do prefer the Nonsense book, I think both of the books we are using in AP English to teach rhetorics contains really useful information. The main difference in those books lie mainly in its organization. Thank You for Arguing has a more conversational and casual style. Though the tips at the side can be really helpful, I think it makes it harder to take notes on. It takes away from the organization and logical flow of the book. I like the summary at the end of each chapter. It allows me to review the important parts again. I also do admit that the example in that book has more connection to everyday life and makes it easier o connect with. However, some of the examples seem to be a bit of a stretch (not very logical and sometimes confuses me). I really like how the Nonsense book organizes its information. It is much more like an actual textbook. There is also a lot more information from that book. The list of rhetorical techniques on the back of the book also help me take good notes and make sure I didn't miss anything. The use of the two books together is really nice because they are books of opposite styles writing on the same topic. It offers us different perspectives in rhetorics.

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