Tuesday, January 3, 2012

21. Journal: Neat People vs. Sloppy People - Suzanne Britt

Write about the opposition you use to evaluate people.

I am going to write about an opposition that is close to my heart. Tall people vs. short people. My family tend to be on the short side and have always wished to grow taller. Here are a few advantages of tall people. They get more fresh air. Because they are above most people, they get the air on the top. Tall people can reach things easier. Also, popular culture portrays tall people in a more positive light. Most models are tall and skinny. For men (luckily this does not apply to me), it looks better if their girlfriends are shorter or around the same hight as they are. It maybe be true that love is blind and hight may not stop people from falling in love, but it just isn't as pleasing to the eyes for the other people. This gives taller men more women to match with. 
However, because I am short, I must also show the advantages of being short. Even though we don't get the fresh air, there is a joke/saying that says short people don't fall as much because we are closer to the center of the Earth. Short people also tend to be more flexible. Lastly, short people have a higher chance to win in hide-and-seek because it is easier for us to fit into smaller spaces.

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