Sunday, February 19, 2012

27. Obligations of a Husband and Father

This entry requires you to answer the journal prompt on page 342. Then you need to answer question #2 on the same page. Finally you will do a SOAPSTONE analysis of the essay "I Want a Wife.

One traditional role of husbands and fathers is to provide the family economically. Husbands are the ones that are supposed to go out and work and come back home late (if necessary). They are also in charge of fixing things when things break or don’t work, for example, changing the light bulb. Traditionally, they are also the ones that make the decisions for the family.
In “I Want a Wife” Brady points out that the wife is the one responsible for taking care of the family. When the husband is studying, they will provide the money. When the couple has kids, the mother would be responsible for taking care of the children and the husband. Even if she goes out to work, she is responsible for the housework and cooking the food. She would also take care the details of [the husband’s] social life” and be “sensitive to [his] sexual needs”.
Basically, the wife has to be completely selfless and serve for the family. Brady even goes to the point in saying that when the husband finds a better person to be the wife, the original wife could be replaced. Brady points out the inequality in status and importance and the large responsibilities of a wife.

S: Judy Brady who is a wife and a mother
O: written after a recently divorced friend who is looking for a new wife
A: mainly women (it was published in the Ms. Magazine)
P: to point out the inequalities of the accepted roles of wives
S: the role of wives
T: ironic

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