Sunday, February 19, 2012

28. Not All Men Are Sly Foxes

Journal Prompt: Yes, I do agree that young children are strongly influenced by books parents and teachers read to them. At the early stages of childhood, they are just learning about the world. They would take in all the information they get to try and better understand the world. Teachers and parents often reach children books to them so they will learn to classify and understand the world through what they perceive from the books.

S: Armin A. Brott, a father who is unhappy about the stereotypical view of fathers as less important caregivers
O: When reading fairy tales and children books to his children, he noticed a trend of very little fathers involved with care giving
A: Published in the Newsweek magazine, for the general audience
P: Make people aware the children books are diminishing the father’s role in care giving
S: making people aware that children’s book contains stereotypes against fathers as caregivers
T: concerned, factual (his research on children’s book)

Questions on Meaning:
1. Thesis: There is, however, one very large group whose portrayal continues to follow the same stereotypical lines as always: fathers.
2. Brott assumes that his audience is unaware or never took time to think of the impacts of this negative stereotype of fathers. I actually fitted into his assumptions. Although it was always there, I never noticed this stereotype.
4. It encourages or even pushed people to make changes about the stereotype.

Questions on Writing Strategy
2. It shows that this stereotype is not only present in children’s writing. In order to root out this stereotype we have the change the parents too.
Questions on Language:
1. “Caregivers” are people who take care of the children. “Nurturers” have more of an emotional attachment connotation to it.

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