Monday, September 12, 2011

3. “Disability” by Nancy Mairs: Tone

What is the tone of Disability by Nancy Mars?

The tone of an essay gives personality to a piece of writing. It also shows the writer’s attitude toward the subject. In Nancy Mair’s “Disability”, she takes up a conversational yet sophisticated and serious tone. This encourages the readers to read on, but at the same time acknowledge that the subject at hand is not facetious, which is exactly what Mairs seeks to achieve. In the passage, she narrates on some of her personal experiences, adding direct remarks and personal ideas to them. She also writes as if she is talking directly to the reader. (“So when I tell you I haven’t noticed any woman like me on television, you can believe me.”) However, it is apparent that Mairs is writing for the educated mind. Here and there in the essay, she uses big words like “blandishment” and “effacement”. Also, the subject matter she presents and argues about is not something light and funny. 

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