Monday, September 12, 2011

4. "Disability" by Nancy Mairs: Purpose

What is the purpose of Disability by Nancy Mairs?

Writers write for a purpose, especially those that write to persuade. It is apparent that Nancy Mairs is writing for purpose in “Disability”, in fact, she is for several purposes. First of all, she is dissatisfied with the way the media portray disabled people. She uses herself as an example and tells what it is like to disabled. She wants to show all the able-bodied people that being disabled “doesn’t devour one wholly”. She wants her readers to understand that disabled people do much of the same things that normal people do, and they do not like being treated a different type of person. They can also be independent persons. They also do not being underrepresented in the media, because this makes them feel shameful and unusual. In the end, she writes about her hopes that disabled people will be included, because one day (when we get old) we would be disabled too.

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