Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Define freedom.

To me, freedom is the power to do anything of one's will, but not at the expense of another person's power to do the same. Hurting people, for example, would not be a freedom. However, that is a pretty formal and stiff definition of freedom. I'd like to focus more on my understanding and emotions towards the word. When I think about freedom, the first feeling that comes to mind is happiness. The scene I picture would be a bunch of friends dancing and running on grass on a warm sunny day. To me, the sense I get from freedom is to be able to embrace what people love, so clearly I would agree that every person would have a different scene in their mind when they think of the word freedom. 
I feel like wether a person has freedom depend greatly on the situation they live in: the country they live in, the family they live with, and the economic condition they live under. For me, I feel that I am blessed to live in a pretty free world. The conditions I live in has given me chances to a taste of freedom and I am surely thankful of it.

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