Tuesday, March 6, 2012

30. Real Man/ Real Woman?

I really do not believe there can be a definition of qualities of what a real man or woman is. There are so many types of male/females that you can't classify them. The only legitimate classification would be biological. However, there are some people that are emotionally and mentally like the opposite sex. When this is the case, it comes down to self-idenetity. If the person truly identifies themselves with the opposite sex, then they could be the opposite sex. There are, however, certain qualities that men or women tend to have. These can only be called general qualities because it doesn't have to apply to everyone. Most of these are caused by biology too. For example, men tend to be stronger and have a deeper voice than women. Women tend to express their emotions more than men do. However, we have to use these generalizations very carefully because this is not the case for all men or all women. There are certain qualities that people consider more feminine or masculine, but we should not use these qualities to classify the people. A feminine man is still a man and a masculine woman is still a woman. 

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