Sunday, March 18, 2012

34. How much influence should the school have on our personal lives?

I feel that the school shouldn't try to control on our personal lives as long as we do things that do not infringe on others or the school. However, the school should take into concern things that might effect us as people, so i would say the school may give suggestions or help, but cannot force people to do things in terms of personal matters. That is why personal lives are called personal; they should be kept to ourselves. Parents are the ones that have the rights to have a say in our personal lives because they are the people that raise you up are part of your family (isn't that part of personal lives already?) Schools should not be able to decide whether or not we date people, because that is our personal choice. However, the school should be allowed to make sure that children under 18 are not drinking or smoking. Even though some may say that is part of personal life, it is going against the law. If that is involved, then the school should be allowed to prohibit students from doing so. I think the best way the school should or try to influence us is by educating and influencing our values. Sex education in health class would be a very good example of how the school can provide teenagers with the correct information about sexual intercourse so that students can make the right decisions.

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