Sunday, March 11, 2012

32. Super Tuesday!

March 6, 2012. It was a big day for US republican candidates because it was the day when 10 states cast their votes. Currently, the four republican candidates left are Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul, with Mitt Romney in the lead followed by Rick Santorum. According to "ABC New's COmprehensive Guide to Super Tuesday", Ohio is considered the "real gem in the Super Tuesday crown" as no previous Republicans have ever won the presidential election without winning the state. Mitt Romney had spent huge sums in the state, hoping to win the election (which he did with 38% and Santorum with 37%, a very close call). Mitt Romney used many super pacs against Santorum in the state. According to Santorum, the fact that he is still standing in the state means a lot because he spent in Ohio was 1 to 12 compared to Romney. Santorum works to get to blue belts and the pious Christians in America. By definition, his background is much closer to a typical Rapublican candidate than Romney, who is a Mormon.

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