Sunday, March 11, 2012

31. Chinks?

In the article, "ABC's Politically Incorrect Tackles Comedian's 'Chink' Joke", comedian Sarah Silverman and Guy Aoki, President of MANAA, disagrees on wether it is appropriate to make chink jokes as a comedian. When though the article seems to be talking about racist comments, the larger issue centers around freedom of speech, more specifically, freedom of speech for comedians. In Aoki's point of view, comedians should not make racist comments because it would be heard by the popular crowd, which would make them think making racist comments is alright. He thinks that in order to stop racism, people have to step up against racist comments. He believes that racism comments in some way permits racism and that is not right. He also emphasize on the responsibility that come with freedom of speech. According to him, even though people have the freedom of speech, they cannot exercise "ignorant speech". Silverman and Maher (who supports her) believes that making jokes (including racist ones) is a part of a comedian's job. Attacking her on making the comment would mean "attacking her livelihood". They say that people do not get offended because it is only a joke.

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