Tuesday, November 1, 2011

10. Journal Writing: The Market of a Yale Woman's Eggs - Jessica Cohen

Would you consider offering your eggs to a person or a couple who could not have a biological chid? What conditions and relationship do you have to have with the child?

Considering what I learned from the essay: the troublesome and onerous tasks involved with donating an egg, I would not want to donate an egg unless absolutely necessary. There are also certain risks behind it that puts off the notion. Even though the chances are extremely low, there is still a possibility that one might get terribly hurt or even die form the process. I would definitely not want to go through that process and potentially hurt myself.
However, if hypothetically I was to donate my eggs, I would prefer to donate it to a couple that I am at least acquainted with, preferably a couple that I am close with. I would actually want to be part of the child’s life and watch the child grow seeing that the child is very much genetically connected with me. However, it doesn’t matter as much weather the child knows that I am his or her biological mother. I think I will leave that to the decision of the parents. They might be uncomfortable explaining the whole complicated process. I am content to just know the child (as a godmother or just a family friend) and secretly know that I have a special connection with the child.

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