Sunday, November 20, 2011

14. Journal Writing: Orange Crush - Li

What food or drink hold a special place in your childhood memories? 

I could still remember vividly the time my cousins introduced the chewing gum lollipop to me. They had brought it back from the United States and the two of them, my sister, and I ate it on the car ride home. We each ate a different flavor of lollipop. We opened up the wrapper so that our lollipops looked like superman, each with a different color head. Then, each lollipop super man was labeled with a certain sickness or injury. The red cherry had a bloody head; the green apply was carsick and about to throw up; the blackish-purple one was bruised, and my pink watermelon one was scratched on the face. When we reached the center of the lollipop, there was a chewing gum in the middle. It was a combination of my two favorite types of candy and I instantly fell in love with the sweet tangy flavor. Ever since, I would buy a bag of chewing gum lollipop and store it at home. I would eat it whenever I feel low. Because there was such a limited supply of it, I considered it my sacred mood candy and would only dare each them when I really had to or couldn't resist the temptation.

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