Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11. Journal Writing: The Lottery - Shirley Jackson

Think about rituals in which you participate, such as those involving holidays, meals, religious observances, family vacations, sporting events - anything that is repeated and traditional. List some of those in your journal and write about their significance.

Even though we are not told to do so in the journal prompt, I would like to comment about the story itself before I start the prompt. Though a little confused with the numerous names, the short story was an interesting read with a surprising ending. Because of what lotteries are like in my context (usually drawing for a gift of some sort), I was expecting the lottery to be something nice. However, as I read on, there was an uneasy feeling that told me that this wasn't the usual lottery. The last few lines were utterly horrifying, as I finally knew what the whole process was about.
Now onto the journal prompt: 
On the times when we go back to Ping Doing for Chinese New Year, the family would go to the temple for worship. When I was younger, the whole family of my grandparents, my uncle and aunt, cousins, parents and my sister would walk together, each carrying something to put on the worship table. Three things that would always be on the list were fruits, a kind of new year cake, and a whole chicken. I've always flinched with the sight of the chicken. Even though I see it every year, I still feel uneasy seeing a whole chicken with its feathers plucked tied together on a tray. When we get to the temple, we would all get incense to worship. This year would be my last year spending Chinese New Year in Taiwan for at least four years. I hope to keep all of these rituals locked up in my memory.

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