Tuesday, November 22, 2011

16. Journal Writing: Araby - Joyce

What do you remember about your first love? What was special about the person you were attracted to?

I proof of my first love is the hearts scratched on a name beside my phonebook since kindergarten. Even though I now save phone numbers in my cell phone, I still use my Mickey Mouse phonebook to record down all the important people and phone number in my life since kindergarten. On the forth page of the phone book, after my family members and my best friend in kindergarten was a boy’s name: Keven. Even though the name was spelled incorrectly and the 2s looked more like ‘S’s, there are two lopsided hearts written in crayons beside his name.
I don’t remember much of him. In fact, I can’t even recall his face. All I remember is that we were close friends. We carpooled together along with my best friend Ingrid. Every morning, I was excited to see my two best friends before school even started. I thought he was the funniest guy in school and giggled at all of his jokes.
I never told anyone about my secret crush, not even my mom. It was a secret between my phonebook and me.

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